发布日期:2025-01-04 15:19 点击次数:200
11日下午,随着三架中国民航包机降落在石家庄正定国际机场、郑州新郑国际机场和重庆江北国际机场,164名从事虚假投资理财类电信网络诈骗的犯罪嫌疑人被河北、河南、重庆公安机关从老挝押解回国,加上前期由安徽公安机关押解回国的15名犯罪嫌疑人,此次中老警方开展警务执法合作抓获的179名电信网络诈骗犯罪嫌疑人全部被押解回国,涉及全国13个省(市)的270余起重特大跨境电信网络诈骗案成功告破。图源:杨泽坤 中国日报A total of 164 suspects involved in online fraud were handed over to Chinese police by Lao law enforcement officials and brought back to China on Monday, said the Ministry of Public Security. These suspects were engaged in fake investment and finance -related online scams and were detained as a result of collaborative efforts between China and Laos in law enforcement. They were escorted to China's Henan and Hebei provinces and Chongqing by police via chartered civil aircraft, according to the ministry. Prior to this, police from Anhui province had already brought back 15 suspects from Laos. In total, the 179 suspects were connected with about 270 cross-border online fraud cases spanning 13 provinces and municipalities in China, the ministry said.据了解,今年以来,针对虚假投资理财类电信网络诈骗案件发案多、损失大等情况,公安部组织河北、安徽、河南、重庆等地公安机关全面开展案件侦办工作,发现多起涉案金额超百万元的虚假投资理财类电信网络诈骗犯罪窝点位于老挝境内。The ministry stated that due to the increasing number of online fraud cases involving fake investments and financial management fraud with significant losses since the beginning of this year, it had organized public security agencies in Hebei, Anhui, Henan, Chongqing and other regions to conduct comprehensive investigations into these cases. After thorough analysis, the police discovered that a number of fake investment fraud cases involving amounts of more than 1 million yuan ($140,000) were traced to Laos. To resolutely bust the fraud groups, the ministry sent police officers from Hebei, Anhui, Henan and Chongqing to form a working group in July to cooperate with police in Laos. According to the ministry, fake investment and financial management fraud is one of the most financially damaging types of scams on average per individual case. In such cases, some fraudsters employ various tactics to lure victims into what they claim to be "investment" group chats.为坚决打掉上述诈骗窝点,今年7月,公安部组建专案组赴老挝,在我驻老挝使馆的大力支持和协调下,与老挝警方开展打击跨境电信网络诈骗犯罪警务执法合作。在掌握相关犯罪事实和证据基础上,7月19日,老挝警方组织开展第一轮集中收网行动,一举捣毁盘踞在老挝沙湾拿吉省的诈骗窝点,成功抓获15名电信网络诈骗犯罪嫌疑人。此后,专案组继续加大工作力度,循线追踪、扩线深挖,协助老挝警方先后组织了10次集中收网行动,成功捣毁10个电信网络诈骗窝点,现场缴获手机、电脑等作案工具640余台,抓获电信网络诈骗犯罪嫌疑人164名,其中包括组织头目和骨干9名、网上在逃人员23名,取得显著战果。On July 19, Lao police carried out an operation in Savannakhet, resulting in the capture of 15 suspects. Subsequently, with the assistance of the Chinese police working group, Lao police carried out 10 operations in various regions. As a result, they detained 164 suspects, including nine key members of the fraud groups and 23 fugitives, and seized tools used for their activities.公安部有关负责人表示,公安机关将继续深化与相关国家和地区的警务执法合作,持续推进联合打击行动,坚持抓金主、铲窝点、打平台、断资金,重点缉捕诈骗犯罪集团头目和骨干,坚决遏制跨境电信网络诈骗犯罪高发态势,切实维护人民群众财产安全和合法权益。The ministry has been continuously intensifying efforts to combat cross-border online fraud and had sent working groups to countries and regions such as Thailand, the Philippines, Cambodia, Laos, Vietnam and Indonesia for law enforcement cooperation.记者:杨泽坤编辑:朱迪齐来源:中国日报 新华社
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